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B33 Cough Drops 30ml - লাগাতার থেকে থেকে শ্বাসরোধী কাশির জন্য

পোস্ট Dec 20, 2021 | দেখা হয়েছে: 462
দেশ: Bangladesh
অঞ্চল: ঢাকা শহর
Dr Bakshi Baksons B33 Cough Drops
A cough is a common reflex action that clears the throat of mucus or foreign irritants. Coughing to clear the throat is typically an infrequent action which help to expectorate and follow the defense mechanism of the body. Allergies and asthma are common causes of a cough, It can be due to stress or tonsillitis, pharyngitis, heart related problems and many more reasons.

Indication of B33 Cough Drops
Suffocative Cough with dyspnoea.

Other Indications of B33 Cough Drops
Cough associated with Rhinitis, Tonsillitis, Laryngitis
Other respiratory problems associated with cough.
Action of Ingredients used in B33 drops
Belladonna 4x: Drying in nose, fauces, larynx, and trachea. Tickling, short, dry cough; worse at night. Larynx feels sore. Respiration oppressed, quick, unequal.

Bryonia alb. 3x: Dry, hacking cough from irritation, Cough, dry, at night; must sit up; worse after eating or drinking, with vomiting, with stitches in chest, and expectoration of rust-colored sputa.

Rumex crisp. 6x: Dry, teasing cough. Aggravated by pressure, talking, and especially by inspiring cool air and at night.

Cuprum acet. 12x: Violent spasmodic cough. Dyspnoea.

Drosera rot. 4x: Cough very deep and hoarse; worse, after midnight; yellow expectoration, with bleeding from nose and mouth; retching. Deep, hoarse voice; hoarseness; laryngitis. Rough, scraping sensation deep in the fauces and soft palate.

Ipecacuanha 6x: Constant constriction in chest. Asthma. Yearly attacks of difficult shortness of breathing. Continued sneezing; coryza; wheezing cough. Cough incessant and violent, with every breath.

Spongia tosta 6x: Great dryness of all air-passages, Cough, dry, barking, croupy; larynx sensitive to touch. Chest weak; can scarcely talk

Squilla 4x: Violent,furious, exhausting cough, with much mucus, profuse, salty,slimy expectoration and with involuntary spurting of urine and sneezing.

Thymus ser: Dry nervous breathlessness, whooping-cough, severe spasms but little sputum.

Dosage of B33 Cough Drops
10-15 drops should be diluted in water and taken 3 times a day.

Terms and Conditions
Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.

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Bangladesh, ঢাকা শহর, Joy Kali Mondir
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Bangladesh, ঢাকা শহর, Joy Kali Mondir
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Bangladesh, ঢাকা শহর, Joy Kali Mondir
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