
Microsoft Visual Studio C & C++

পোস্ট Dec 21, 2019 | দেখা হয়েছে: 970
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Contents of C & C++
> Introduction + Discussion about C.
> Print text message.
> variable and data types with example.
> Two integers with constant value.
> Two integers entered by user.
> Multiply two floating point numbers
> Ask user to enter a character
> Sub, mul, div of two numbers entered
> Solve the equation s=ut+1/2
> Find the area of a circle.
> Find the area of a triangle.
> If else statement with example.
> If….else statement example.
> If….else if…else statement example.
> Write a program to find absolute value.
> Write a program to find even and odd number.
> Find larger number between three numbers entered by user.
> Short program to find simple salary sheet.
> Discussion about for loop with example.
> Write a program to find the sum of n numbers where n is entered by user.
> Discussion about while loop
> Discussion about do while loop
> Discussion about switch...case statement with example.
> Write a C program to check whether a number entered by user
> Write a C program to display a Pascal's triangle using loops.
> Discussion about using of function with an example.
> Discussion about array with an example.
> Discussion about pointer with an example.
>> C++

Special Project: Character reading and counting, Calculator, Calender etc.

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পোস্ট Dec 21, 2019 থেকে টিউটোরিয়াল
পোস্ট Dec 21, 2019 থেকে টিউটোরিয়াল
পোস্ট Dec 21, 2019 থেকে টিউটোরিয়াল
পোস্ট Dec 21, 2019 থেকে টিউটোরিয়াল
পোস্ট Dec 21, 2019 থেকে টিউটোরিয়াল
পোস্ট Dec 21, 2019 থেকে টিউটোরিয়াল
পোস্ট Dec 21, 2019 থেকে টিউটোরিয়াল
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